Prevention is better than cure. Discus fish disease once it strikes is very hard to cure. There is not much research on how humans can help them, which is why owners have to make sure to provide them the best living conditions and prevent them from getting any discus fish disease.
One of the common discus fish diseases is what we call hole in the head. The symptoms involve a small pinhole size development that can be seen on the head near the eyes and the mouth region. It is said to be caused by a protozoan infection and if not treated right away it could cause them to die. Cure it by using a soluble antibiotic that can be found in pet stores. Mix it in the water and make sure the water temperature is at 32 degree Celsius. Keep the water aerated before placing the medicine in order for it to work. Expect 3 days for it to get solved.
Another kind of discus fish disease is the gill flu. This is harder to solve because the disease can destroy the immune system of the fish, which will make it harder to cure the problem because the fish will not respond to treatment right away. The discus fish will have hard time breathing and after that can collapse on the surface of the water disabling them from swimming and the fish can turn into a dark pale color. Suggestions of using formalin and potassium permanganate combined with fluke tabs are seen to be the cure. Use it on interval in the span 4 weeks and make sure that there are no larvae that will remain in the water in order to prevent it from occurring again.