1. Male lions protect the pride
Instead of hunting, male lions protect its pride while the females hunt for food. This is actually a good idea as the male lion has a mane that can actually makes its face look bigger and intimidating. And it can terrify any animals, not only with its looks, but with its loud, thunderous roar, that tries to sneak into its territory, including lions from a different pride.
2. Female lions go on hunting with 2-4 lioness
Like I said, the female is the one that goes for the hunting spree. This is in contrast with many other living things. However, female lions do not go hunting alone. For better success of hunting, they will go in groups, usually between 2-4 lioness.
Usually, one of them will try to go near its target, stealthily. When it reaches near it, it will make a sudden burst of speed towards its prey in order to try to pin it down. If that doesn't succeed, they will use a more advance tactic.
Two of them will go near their prey openly. The sight of these predators will already make its prey scramble from its place. However, that is actually what they wanted as they are actually making their prey run to a direction where another two lionesses are hiding and waiting to pounce.
But even when they have successfully taken down their prey, the have a certain hierarchy as to who are allowed to eat first. Usually, the dominant male among the pride will be tasting it first, followed by the lionesses and the cubs.
3. Being lazy
I am surprised about African lions in that they are not doing anything if they are not eating or hunting. I mean, come on! They are the king of all animals and they should move around and gain control of more territory or something. But no. They choose to relax and sun tan.
4. Mating Season
Now comes the interesting part. The male lion will become more aggressive during this period. Usually, the younger and lesser dominant male lion will leave its pride in order to fight for the top spot of other pride. Usually, there will be a confrontation between the older lion of some other pride against a younger lion. If the older lion loses, it will leave its pride and the younger one will take over.
The sad part when that happens is that the young cubs of that older lion will be eliminated. This is because the younger one can breed his own offspring so that his own offspring can take over his throne.