Lived in Madagascar, now there was not more than 100 Seychelles Sheath-tailed Bat in this world.
2. Javan Rhino

A Javan Rhino, lived in java island indonesia, and in vietnam, this rhino are often hunted in Malaysia, India and also Sumatera island (Indonesia) for his horn.
3. Hispid hare

Also Called as "Bristly Rabbit” that can be found in Himalaya Nepal, Bengal and Assam, now only left 110 hispid hare.. in this world
4. Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat

We don't know exactly what kind of animal is this, you can find it in New South Wales and Victoria in Australia, but unfortunately now you only can see this animal on National Park near Epping Forest Station in Queensland.. only left 113 heads of them
5. Tamaraw (Dwarf Water Buffalo)

Found in Philippines, firstly threatened to extinct in 2000, and now only left about 30-200 of them.
6. Iberian Lynx

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