The tiger (Panthera tigris), a member of The Felidae family, is the biggest as to the four 'big cat' to the genus Panthera. natural how to a lot of eastern and southern Asia, the tiger is an apex predator as well as an obligate carnivore. Reaching build up how to 3.3 metres (11 ft) on total length, weighing build up how to 300 kilograms (660 pounds), and also posessing canines up how to 4 inches long, The larger tiger subspecies have to be comparable on dimensions To The biggest extinct felids.

Aside out of their nice bulk and also power, their quite a few recognisable feature is a system of dark vertical stripes that overlays nearwhite how to reddish-orange fur, with lighter underparts. The Most numerous tiger subspecies is the Bengal tiger while The largest is The Siberian tiger. Tigers have on a lifespan on 10-15 years to The wild, but may live more than 20 years in captivity.they're highly adaptable and also range from the Siberian taiga how to open grasslands and tropical mangrove swamps. they're territorial and also generally solitary animals, commonly requiring huge contiguous aspects as to habitat that support their prey demands. This, coupled by The truth that they are indigenous how to A few as for the significantly more densely populated places on earth, has created important conflicts by humans. Three as to the nine subspecies of present day tiger allow gone extinct, and The remaining six should be classified as endangered, A few critically a great deal. the primary sent out causes could be habitat destruction, fragmentation and also hunting. Historically tigers have existed out of Mesopotamia as well as The Caucasus throughout lots of of South and also East Asia. Nowadays The variety on the species is radically reduced. as long as most surviving species should be under formal security, poaching, habitat destruction as well as inbreeding depression go on To threaten The tigers. must be among the many recognizable as well as accepted as for The areas's charismatic megafauna. They have featured prominently in ancient mythology and folklore, as well as keep up how to be depicted on Modern films and literature. Tigers appear on numerous flags as well as coats of arms, a warm or hot environment mascots being sporting teams, as well as as the national animal as to several Asian nations, in addition to India.
Naming and etymology The word "tiger" is taken out of the Greek word "tigris", which is maybe derived from a Persian source meaning "arrow", a reference how to the animal's speed and also as well the origin as the name on The Tigris current. on American English, "tigress" was first recorded into 1611. this i has I as for The numerous species originally described usage Linnaeus to his 18th century the job, Systema Naturae: he named this Felis tigris. The generic component on this scientific designation, Panthera tigris, is Often presumed how to derive from Greek pan- ("most") and theron ("beast"), but this may be a folk etymology. even so it came into English through to classical languages, panthera is probably as to East Asian origin, meaning "The yellowish animal", or "whitish-yellow". Tigers rarely form groups (observe below), rather collective nouns often occupied when they achieve should be "streak". assortment as to The tiger not to mention The western portions 1900 as well as 1990
Additionally, within the past decade alone, The predicted location identified how to be occupied usage tigers has declined 41 percent. During the 19th century, the tiger entirely vanished out of western Asia and became restricted how to isolated pockets into The remaining sections as to their assortment. Nowadays, their choice is fragmented, and some portions degraded, as well as extends from India into The west To China and Southeast Asia to the east. the northern limit is near To the Amur flow on south eastern Siberia. The only big island inhabited using tigers today is Sumatra. Tigers vanished out of Java as well as Bali During The 20th century. to Borneo they are known only from fossil remains. Tiger habitats will most likely include adequate cover, proximity To pure water, as well as an abundance as for prey. Bengal Tigers live on numerous types as to forests, including wet; evergreen; The semi-evergreen as for Assam and also eastern Bengal; the mangrove forest as to the Ganges Delta; the deciduous forest on Nepal, and also The thorn forests as for the Western Ghats. in contrast how to The lion, the tiger prefers denser vegetation, for which this camouflage colouring is ideally suitable, as well as where a one predator is not at a disadvantage compared by The several felines into a pride. Among the huge cats, only the tiger and jaguar are strong swimmers; tigers must be commonly found bathing into ponds, lakes, and also rivers. Unlike various other cats, which seem how to evade pure water, tigers actively seek this out. During The ultimate heat as for The day, they Often stylish off in pools. Tigers could be excellent swimmers, competent To swim build up To 4 miles and also carry dead prey across lakes.
physical characteristics, taxonomy and evolution
The oldest remains on a tiger-likes feline, famous as Panthera palaeosinensis, have been discovered in China and Java. This species lived with regards to 2 million years ago, at the beginner of the Pleistocene, as well as i has smaller than a present day tiger. The earliest fossils as for real tigers are identified out of Java, as well as probably are between 1.6 and 1.8 mill years old. distinct fossils out of the early as well as middle Pleistocene were also discovered in deposits out of China, as well as Sumatra. A subspecies called The Trinil tiger (Panthera tigris trinilensis) lived regarding 1.2 mill years ago and also is recognized out of fossils discovered at Trinil to Java. Tigers 1st reached India and also northern Asia to The late.

Aside out of their nice bulk and also power, their quite a few recognisable feature is a system of dark vertical stripes that overlays nearwhite how to reddish-orange fur, with lighter underparts. The Most numerous tiger subspecies is the Bengal tiger while The largest is The Siberian tiger. Tigers have on a lifespan on 10-15 years to The wild, but may live more than 20 years in captivity.they're highly adaptable and also range from the Siberian taiga how to open grasslands and tropical mangrove swamps. they're territorial and also generally solitary animals, commonly requiring huge contiguous aspects as to habitat that support their prey demands. This, coupled by The truth that they are indigenous how to A few as for the significantly more densely populated places on earth, has created important conflicts by humans. Three as to the nine subspecies of present day tiger allow gone extinct, and The remaining six should be classified as endangered, A few critically a great deal. the primary sent out causes could be habitat destruction, fragmentation and also hunting. Historically tigers have existed out of Mesopotamia as well as The Caucasus throughout lots of of South and also East Asia. Nowadays The variety on the species is radically reduced. as long as most surviving species should be under formal security, poaching, habitat destruction as well as inbreeding depression go on To threaten The tigers. must be among the many recognizable as well as accepted as for The areas's charismatic megafauna. They have featured prominently in ancient mythology and folklore, as well as keep up how to be depicted on Modern films and literature. Tigers appear on numerous flags as well as coats of arms, a warm or hot environment mascots being sporting teams, as well as as the national animal as to several Asian nations, in addition to India.
Naming and etymology The word "tiger" is taken out of the Greek word "tigris", which is maybe derived from a Persian source meaning "arrow", a reference how to the animal's speed and also as well the origin as the name on The Tigris current. on American English, "tigress" was first recorded into 1611. this i has I as for The numerous species originally described usage Linnaeus to his 18th century the job, Systema Naturae: he named this Felis tigris. The generic component on this scientific designation, Panthera tigris, is Often presumed how to derive from Greek pan- ("most") and theron ("beast"), but this may be a folk etymology. even so it came into English through to classical languages, panthera is probably as to East Asian origin, meaning "The yellowish animal", or "whitish-yellow". Tigers rarely form groups (observe below), rather collective nouns often occupied when they achieve should be "streak". assortment as to The tiger not to mention The western portions 1900 as well as 1990
Additionally, within the past decade alone, The predicted location identified how to be occupied usage tigers has declined 41 percent. During the 19th century, the tiger entirely vanished out of western Asia and became restricted how to isolated pockets into The remaining sections as to their assortment. Nowadays, their choice is fragmented, and some portions degraded, as well as extends from India into The west To China and Southeast Asia to the east. the northern limit is near To the Amur flow on south eastern Siberia. The only big island inhabited using tigers today is Sumatra. Tigers vanished out of Java as well as Bali During The 20th century. to Borneo they are known only from fossil remains. Tiger habitats will most likely include adequate cover, proximity To pure water, as well as an abundance as for prey. Bengal Tigers live on numerous types as to forests, including wet; evergreen; The semi-evergreen as for Assam and also eastern Bengal; the mangrove forest as to the Ganges Delta; the deciduous forest on Nepal, and also The thorn forests as for the Western Ghats. in contrast how to The lion, the tiger prefers denser vegetation, for which this camouflage colouring is ideally suitable, as well as where a one predator is not at a disadvantage compared by The several felines into a pride. Among the huge cats, only the tiger and jaguar are strong swimmers; tigers must be commonly found bathing into ponds, lakes, and also rivers. Unlike various other cats, which seem how to evade pure water, tigers actively seek this out. During The ultimate heat as for The day, they Often stylish off in pools. Tigers could be excellent swimmers, competent To swim build up To 4 miles and also carry dead prey across lakes.
physical characteristics, taxonomy and evolution
The oldest remains on a tiger-likes feline, famous as Panthera palaeosinensis, have been discovered in China and Java. This species lived with regards to 2 million years ago, at the beginner of the Pleistocene, as well as i has smaller than a present day tiger. The earliest fossils as for real tigers are identified out of Java, as well as probably are between 1.6 and 1.8 mill years old. distinct fossils out of the early as well as middle Pleistocene were also discovered in deposits out of China, as well as Sumatra. A subspecies called The Trinil tiger (Panthera tigris trinilensis) lived regarding 1.2 mill years ago and also is recognized out of fossils discovered at Trinil to Java. Tigers 1st reached India and also northern Asia to The late.
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