You should have legal permission to own a fennec fox as a pet.
Physical Characteristics:
- The fennec fox is the smallest type of fox, with a body the length of about 9.5-16 inches. It has 6 inch long ears. It has a cream colored, furry body, with a black-tipped tail.
- Physical characteristics such as their long ears radiate heat, and thus, help them keep their bodies cool. Moreover, the long hair on their body keeps them warm in winters, and protects them from heat in summers.
- In order to walk on the hot sand, fennec foxes' feet are covered with hair, that help them for this purpose. Not only that, these feet also help them in digging, as they live in underground tunnels.
- The habitat of the this animal is mainly in the Sahara desert, and also in other parts of North Africa.
- Fennec foxes are primarily nocturnal animals. They adapt themselves to the heat of their habitat with this trait.
- They live in communities of ten, since they are extremely social animals, and each community has its own territory. This territory is marked out by a male fennec fox's urine.
- These animals are however aggressive too, primarily in the mating season, where they compete for a mate.
- The diet of fennec foxes is omnivorous. While they can survive on plants, they also need other items to prey on such as insects, reptiles and rodents. Their adaptation to the desert allows them to survive for long periods without any water.
- Since fennec foxes are social animals, they require a good amount of attention and personal care. However, they are not domestic animals, so you might have to keep an eye on them as much as you can. They easily escape a closed environment, by their exquisite diggings skills, and are even good climbers.
- If you happen to take them out, keep a good hold on the leash as they are quick runners, and difficult to get hold of once they escape.
- They are primarily nocturnal, but should be allowed to lie in the sun for a while, to maintain their health. Also, they are highly active, and should be give adequate space for them to follow their own exercise routine.
- Fennec foxes do not give out any foul odors, as do some other pets, and for this purpose make great pets.
- A kennel is the best way to house a fennec fox, especially when you are not around to supervise its activities. At other times, when you are around, you may bring it into the house and keep it in a dog crate.
- When you decide to keep them outdoors, you should do so in an outdoor pen, with a fence around it, that goes several underground, so that they do not escape by digging.
- As mentioned before, since these are wild animals, training them to live in a house can be a challenge. Tasks like litter training may take a while. To do so, you will have to bring it to a litter box several times in a day from its pen, to relieve itself.
- On the other hand, if you find it doing so openly in any other part of your house, don't punish it. Just move it back outside.
- Since its diet is omnivorous, it requires a premium quality dry dog or cat food. This should be supplemented with other foods such as crickets, meal worms, and other fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Lastly, before you get one, find out if there is a veterinarian in your locality who will be able to treat it in case it has a health problem. They require vaccinations similar to dogs, particularly one against rabies, and other viruses.
- Having fennec foxes undergo a health check up yearly is a good idea, to prevent them from heartworm, fleas, and perform other deworming techniques if required.