Dragonfly - Interesting Facts
Dragonflies are regarded as strict carnivores insects. Insects like mosquitoes, gnats, midges, ants, termites, bees, butterflies and flies are on the menu of these insects. They also feed on larvae, tadpoles and even tiny fish. Dragonflies nymphs (the first stage after hatching) love to feed on mosquitoes. An adult dragonfly can savor about 50 mosquitoes in a day while flying around, and this is a very important factor in the biological control of mosquitoes.
Dragonflies dwell in healthy and breathable water, and because of this characteristic feature they are considered as indications of good water source. Water bodies that support submerged and emergent vegetation provide shelter to these insects. They spend a major part of their lives underwater as nymphs in their larval stage. Sometimes this period goes up to 3 years, depending on the types of species. Adult dragonflies' life span lasts for a very short time - about a month.
Dragonflies are equipped with two sets of wings, so they do not have to beat their wings simultaneously. They flap their wings at a rate of 30 beats per second. It is known that these fliers can reach a top speed of 100 km/h. Their flight is similar to that of a helicopter; they can fly forward, backward, up and down and they are also capable of hovering. Such flying skills are achieved by powerful flight muscles and wings that can move independently.
Dragonflies are able to distinguish between colored, ultraviolet and even polarized light. The feature enable these insects to detect reflection in water. Among the most unbelievable fact about dragonflies is that each of their compound eyes contain about 30,000 individual lenses. They are able to have a 360º field of vision due to their eyes' position.
Territory and Mating
Like most males in the insect world and the animal kingdom, male dragonflies are very particular about their territory. They stake their claim to a particular area alongside a river, pond and the likes. Often, it can be seen that two dragonflies chase each other. When it comes to mating, these insects undergo a complex process. What is normally seen in a mating, is a couple attached to one another and flying through the air.
Birds are the natural predators of dragonflies. Apart from birds, these insects are also preyed upon by fish, water beetles, frogs, spiders, lizards and even larger species of other dragonflies.
Dragonflies and Humans
Various facts about dragonflies are surrounded by myths that revolve around these harmless creatures. It was believed that dragonflies have deadly stingers and people were allergic to them. It was also believed that, these insects used to sew the eyes of people who slept outside. The truth is, these insects are not a threat to humans. No cases have been recorded of any stings or bites from dragonflies. Instead, they are beneficial to humans. They help in reducing the population of mosquitoes and other harmful insects. Dragonfly facts also have some funny stories attached to them. One of them was a belief that these insects were snake doctors. They have the ability to bring dead snakes back to life. Now that's a hilarious one!
Along with other insects and animal species, dragonflies also face a threat of extinction. The British Isles have witnessed the complete extinction of almost three species of these insects. The remaining population has become rare and have been restricted to a few areas of the world. These species face a constant threat from habitat destruction, pollution, and other environmental degradation.
Some More Facts
- Native American culture attributed these flyers as the souls of the dead
- The wings of the insect have ridges like formation. These help the dragon fly to detect the slightest brush of wind to take flight.
- The efficient speed and maneuverability that the insect achieves in its flight is because the front wings are slightly longer than the wings at the rear.
- The insect's brain devotes 80% of its ability in controlling sight, and processing of image the insect sees.
- When a dragon fly reaches its adult stage, it crawls out of water and its exoskeleton is cracked open exposing its abdomen. When the wings come out, they are still wet and fragile. So the wings dry up and harden over the next several days after which the insect gets ready to go airborne.
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