The low frequency of a purr (about 26 Hertz on average for a domestic cat) has the same muscular and bone-strengthening benefits as high-impact exercise on humans. That probably explains why they can jump from the highest bookshelf in your living room and not feel a thing.
Purring also has the benefit of releasing endorphins, a chemical that helps in pain management and overall happiness. Many cats will purr when pregnant in order to ease the aches. When the kittens are born, the purring continues as a necessary form of communication. As cats are born blind, a mother's purr is necessary in order for the newborns to find and communicate with her. Newborn kittens pick up on the technique when they are just a few days old.
Of course, the most important thing in decoding any purr is context. As it is a form of communication, it is up to us cat-lovers to discern exactly what our feline friends are trying to say. Whether they are hungry, scared, or just happy to see us — there are usually clues to indicate, and it's our job to be attuned to those clues (in order to best serve our kitten overlords, of course).
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